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Proud to be part of LJMU,
in partnership with the Faulkes Telescope Project


Have you ever looked at the stars at night and imagined pictures in them? Long, long ago, other people did the same! They named groups of stars after animals and characters from their stories.

Astronomers still use these pictures today as a map of the night sky. We call the groups of stars that make a picture, a constellation. Sometimes it is easy to spot the picture in the constellation. Other times it takes a bit more imagination!

Have a go at our quiz to see how well you can recognise some of the most well-known constellations!


Approx Duration
< 15 mins


Have a go!

  1. Read the question
  2. Look at the 3 pictures
  3. Think about which one reminds you most of the description
  4. Choose the constellation you think is correct
  5. If you get it wrong, press the refresh symbol  to try again 
  6. Press the arrow to see the next question

Hint! You may see a constellation more than once. Try to remember if you've seen them before. This will help you rule out some wrong answers.


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