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Proud to be part of LJMU,
in partnership with the Faulkes Telescope Project


Carlos Frenk

Early Life

Carlos was born in Mexico. He is the son of a German-Jewish immigrant father and a Mexican-Spanish mother. Half of Carlos’ family are musicians, the other half are doctors. Carlos was interested in maths and nature when he was young. He did not feel that music or medicine would suit him. Carlos has an undergraduate degree in physics from the University of Mexico. He started off studying engineering. He switched to physics when he realised that he was more interested in “why things work?” than “how?”.

Year born: 1951

Research Areas: Supercomputer Simulations, Galaxy Formation


"Scientists are sceptics. But the main thing is you have to be a rebel, because otherwise you don’t contribute to new ideas."

Anna Scaife

Early Life

Anna grew up in Cheshire, UK. She has an undergraduate masters’ degree in Physics from the University of Bristol. Anna studied for a PhD in astrophysics at the University of Cambridge. There, she got hooked on astronomy. This was the first time she had the chance to work with a radio telescope.

Research Areas: Radio-Astronomy, Artificial Intelligence


"There are very few projects in science generally, not just in astrophysics, that have data sizes like the SKA [(Square Kilometre Array)]."

Alan Turing

Early Life

Alan was born in London, UK. From a young age he was interested in codes and ciphers and spent lots of time creating and solving puzzles. He studied mathematics at the University of Cambridge and got a PhD in mathematical logic from Princeton University.

Year born: 1912

Research Areas: Computer Programming, Artificial Intelligence


"May not machines carry out something which ought to be described as thinking but which is very different from what a man does?"

Beth A. Brown

Early Life

Beth was born in Roanoke, Virginia, USA. She was always asking questions as a child and wanted to know how things worked. She had a passion for science fiction. During a school trip to an observatory she looked through a telescope for the first time and saw the Ring Nebula. That was the inspiration she needed to decide to study astronomy. She was the highest achieving student in her high school. Beth then went to Howard University to study astrophysics.

Year born: 1969

Research Areas: Black Holes, Elliptical Galaxies, X-ray Emission, Data Archives


"Space fascinated me. I was into anything that had to do with space."

Beatrice Tinsley

Early Life

Beatrice was born in Chester, UK, but her family moved to New Zealand after World War II. Beatrice won a scholarship to study at Canterbury University where she got a degree in physics.

Year born: 1941

Research Areas: Galaxies' Evolution, Cosmology


"I never mind spending time [with students] if they really want to learn astronomy or exchange ideas."