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Proud to be part of LJMU,
in partnership with the Faulkes Telescope Project



Liverpool Telescope is having some work done. So, for a short while and where possible, we are using some smaller telescopes from the Las Cumbres Observatory network. Access to these telescopes is kindly provided by the Dill Faulkes Educational Trust.','status',FALSE); //drupal_set_message('The Liverpool Telescope is now back in operation (weather permitting) with cleaner mirrors and a new camera shutter.','status',FALSE); //drupal_set_message('The Liverpool Telescope is now back in operation, (weather permitting). There maybe still be delays as we clear the backlog of observations, so please be patient. If your observation has timed-out you can resubmit it by clicking on the arrow in Your Observations page.','status',FALSE); //drupal_set_message('Unfortunately, there is currently an issue with an oil leak in the telescope enclosure system. We cannot operate without risk to both the local environment and the telescope itself and, therefore, have to remain closed until this is fixed. We do not have a date for the work at present but we will keep you updated. Please use our substantial archive of observations in the meantime.','error',FALSE); //drupal_set_message('Due to the ongoing volcanic eruption on La Palma our telescope is having to keep a close eye on the location of the associated ash cloud. This has meant that recently the telescope has had to remain closed for a number of nights. The situation is being monitored nightly and when conditions allow the telescope will open and continue to take observations. Obviously as the number of nights offline increases, so do the backlog of observations, and so we ask that you please bear with us during this time. The telescope will open and observe whenever it is safe to do so.', 'warning', FALSE); //drupal_set_message('We are doing some work to enhance Go Observing so this part of the website will not be available today.','error',FALSE); // Add the GoObserving Javascript (CSS Added using the nsogoobs module code) drupal_add_js('goobs/js/goobhd.js'); // Process the _POST and _GET variables (merge them together) $allCGI = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); // Make sure that the "usr" parameters are all set OK and no permissions are being bypassed global $user; $calluser = user_load($user->uid); nsogoobs_checkUser($calluser, $allCGI); // Add any options to append to AstroLab links. $astrolab_opts = nsogoobs_astrolabOpts(); if(strlen($astrolab_opts) > 0) { $albopt = array("alb" => $astrolab_opts); $_a = array_merge($allCGI,$albopt); $allCGI = $_a; } nsogoobs_fireCGI('go.cgi', $allCGI); ?>