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Proud to be part of LJMU,
in partnership with the Faulkes Telescope Project



We suggest you start by using data from stars in the open cluster NGC 957. This data is part of a test dataset taken by Faulkes Telescope North

  • You should use aperture photometry to measure the colour and brightness of as many stars as possible.
  • You must measure the brightness of each star in both the B-filter file and the V-filter files.
  • Make sure to measure the same stars in the same order in each file - the finder chart will help you to do this. 
  • You can then export your data to a spreadsheet, and use it to create a colour-magnitude diagram.

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Once you have created your colour-magnitude diagram, you may wish to compare it with our version on this page. If your plot looks similar, you can be confident to proceed with some other datasets. 

Get more datasets from open clusters

You may also want to look at data from 47 Tuc. This is a globular cluster. You should notice that this cluster contains many more stars, much more densely packed together. Take a small area of the 47Tuc data and complete the photometry in the same way as you would with an open cluster. Think about differences in where the data falls on the colour-magnitude diagram.

47 Tuc V-band FITS file (20 MB)

47 Tuc B-band FITS file (20 MB)


Finder chart for the open cluster NGC957.
Credit: Fraser Lewis, Faulkes Telescope Project
Colour-magnitude diagram for NGC 957.
Credit: Fraser Lewis, Faulkes Telescope Project













Do some background research

Process your data using Makali'i